meBiblio is a bibliografic tool to keep the pace with the growing number of articles and references of literature you gather.
What does meBiblio do?
- Let's you store informations about scientific articles
- Helps you storing in a safe place, the PDF (or other) file of the article.
- Helps you retrieve this informations
- Promptly gives you the PDF of the article
- Links you directly to the articles on the web via DOI or arXiv
- Produces the references section of your manuscript, reading the output of LaTeX, dealing automatically with ordering the citation list (from first cited to last), removing multiple citations,
as other tools like BibTeX.
What does meBiblio do, with a bit of tweaking?
- It can store informations about the books you own
- or about your CDs
- or about DVD
- or about mp3 DivX
meBiblio is a web front-end for a citation database written in mySQL. It produces code to be used in a LaTeX thebibliography environment.
It has many of the features of BibTeX, plus it has a simple web interface to keep the bibliography database.
It was originally designed for keeping order in the growing number of articles of the literature
that I collected during my Ph.D.
It is proudly GPL licensed.
meBiblio 0.4.6 released
Update as soon as possible to version 0.4.6, because previous versions contain a critical security issue. This version contains the security fix. If you wish not to update and run with your current version, contact me that we can patch your version.
meBiblio 0.4.5 released
Mainly a design restyle.
Fix your records
Due to a bug in the web interface, all the Journal names where input with
a trailing \n\t. Use following perl script to eliminate them. Copy this code
into a file (script.pl); input the right user, password for your database.
After this launch it with perl script.pl
I will make a new release with other modifications as soon as possible.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use DBI;
$PORT=3306; $USER='youruser';
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$DATABASE:$HOST:$PORT",
{ PrintError => 0}) || die $DBI::errstr;
$query = "SELECT MAX(JID) AS JID FROM Journal_ID;";
my $s_q = $dbh->prepare($query);
my @rows = $s_q->fetchrow_array();
foreach (@rows) { $maxrows = $_;}
print stdout "Updating $maxrows records...";
for ( $i=0 ; $i<=$maxrows ;$i++ ) {
$query = "SELECT JID , Jlong , Jshort FROM Journal_ID WHERE JID = $i ";
my $s_q = $dbh->prepare($query);
my @data = $s_q->fetchrow_array();
if ( $#data >=0 ) {
$pulito = `echo "$data[1]" | tr -d [:cntrl:] `;
$sql = "UPDATE Journal_ID SET Jlong='$pulito' where JID = $i;" ;
my $s_q = $dbh->prepare($sql);
foreach ( @data ) {print "$_ ";}
print stdout "Done. \n"
Release of meBiblio 0.4.4 : what's new?
- changed name of fields.label.php to
scientific_en.label.php, small changes in files to take
advantage of that
- modification to db structure: Added field "arXiv" to
Citazioni, in order to be able to treat correctly links
to the arXiv. arXiv
reference is anything that follows
http://arxiv.org/abs/ on the address bar when
visualising the article from the arxiv web interface.
- removed buggy code that checked whether a record was or
not already present in the database and in case stopped
the operation.
MD5SUM: fe7b58e39445678611d7fb4bdb3dfebb
Release of meBiblio 0.4.3 : what's new?
- modified db in table Citazioni: added DOI and PACS fields and changed the
definitions of Volume and Page.
- modification in the web interface to insert/search DOI and PACS fields.
- modification of the view_searched.inc.php. Makes changes of record easier:
After a search, the displayed items will have at least one link (on the
Indice field) that directly leads to modification of that particular record.
The link on the author name is a link to the file of the record.
- added a very bare possibility to make uploads of files in the right
directory (meBiblio_home/files) via web.
- Included in the distribution the mkbibliography.pl file to automatically
create the bibliography for a TeX file, in the right order, without
Release of meBiblio 0.4.2 : what's new?
- modified db to contain PACS numbers
- Added searching in PACS number facility in the web interface.
- PACS numbers as downloaded from
with simple procedure:
wget http://www.aip.org/pacs/pacs06/ASCII2006FullPACS.txt
gawk '{printf "INSERT INTO PACS VALUES (%d,\"%s\",\"",NR,$1 ;
for( i=2;i<=NF;i++){printf $i " " } print "\");\n" } ' < ASCII2006FullPACS.txt > PACSALO
mysql -u mebiblio_usr -pmebiblio_pwd letteratura < pacs.sql
mysql -u mebiblio_usr -pmebiblio_pwd letteratura < PACSALO
PACS is a hierarchical subject classification scheme for physics and
astronomy. PACS provides an essential tool for classification and
efficient retrieval of literature in physics and astronomy; as such,
PACS is used by AIP and other international publishers of physics,
astronomy and related fields journals.
Release of meBiblio 0.4.1a :
0.4.1a contains small changes in DB structure, some improvements of the web interface.
Added mkbibliography.pl perl script; it reads the aux file that LaTeX outputs
to create the ordered list of citation (with no repetitions) and to create
meBiblio.tex that contains all the \bibitem-s; if the item is found in the
mySQL DB the relative \bibitem is filled with data.
Release of meBiblio 0.3.99 :
This release contains most of the improvements of the web interface that were planned for release 0.4. Since part of the enhancement planned for the 0.4 release are not yet ready, I decided to release this intermediate version 0.3.99: or almost 0.4, in order to take advantage of the work that has been done.
Changes in db structure towards release of 0.4.0. Added paging system when viewing the database. Added control system to avoid input of the same record. Added partial control of the displayed database items ordering.
Initial release of meBiblio at SourceForge: 0.3.4 :
First release as a SourceForge project. Basic functionalities